EDMUS Containerdienst GmbH

Cologne expertise meets container competence! With years of experience, EDMUS Containerdienst brings your waste to the site. Regardless of whether you need a container for waste disposal or a delivery of bulk goods: EDMUS Containerdienst is the right address for you.

We are pleased to take over the entire website, the new branding and the ongoing search engine optimization.

Website development

Intuitive navigation enables users to navigate effortlessly through the various collections. Thanks to the responsive design, the website is optimized for all end devices, from desktop to smartphone. Additional functions such as contact forms and a booking function have been integrated to enable a container request and direct and simple communication with the customer.

Graphic design

Taking our client’s wishes and ideas into account, we developed a logo that combines both modernity and timelessness. After intensive design phases and consultations, a striking logo was created that can be seamlessly integrated into various media and advertising materials and strengthens the brand of the bridal fashion business.

We are proud to have been involved in the design and implementation of this project. We would like to thank the bridal fashion business from Graz for the trust they have placed in us and look forward to further joint projects.

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